Benefits of Massage Therapy:
​Massage is safe for most clients throughout all age groups. Some common conditions massage may treat are:
Promote relaxation
Reduce anxiety and insomnia
Reduce headaches and TMJD
Reduce muscle tension and spasms
Increase joint mobility and flexibility
Improve circulation
Relax muscles causing nerve impingement's
Reduce pain associated with neurological disorders
Assist MVA/ Soft tissue injuries
Assist post-surgical healing
Treatment Information:
Kinetic Massage Technique
This technique was formulated specifically for overactive nervous systems. The science-based theory focuses on reducing the neuromuscular firing rate of your muscles, which allows deep structured work in a pain free state. This modality is used intently throughout portions of a treatment and involves joint mobility and soft tissue manipulations. Clients remain on the massage table as usual, and are not required to be active.
Dynamic Cupping
This modality aids your body in detoxifying the blood and lymph. The pressure of the cups against the tissue allows the fascia to be stretched and targets scar tissue breakage. Knots residing in deeper tissues are also assisted in separating by the pressure and increased blood flow. Dynamic cups can be used over most tissue and some joints, which increases their benefit over the traditional fire or pump ‘cupping’. Cupping is used intently throughout portions if your treatment, if there are no contraindications with your body. This modality will leave ‘Marks’ on your tissue that appear as circular bruises and fade between 2 – 7 days.
Hot stones
This therapy is relaxing yet it does provide therapeutic benefits. Basalt lava rocks are heated in hot water and used to massage the body throughout portions of the treatment. The porous nature of the rock allows a variety of pressure which can be applied depending on your body’s needs. The heat from the rocks transfer to your tissue which increases blood and lymph circulation, while soothing the sympathetic nervous system. Aids to loosen muscle tissue.
MVA'S & Injurie's
Assessment is performed on the affected areas involved in trauma to formulate a thorough rehabilitation treatment plan specifically created for each individual.
Prenatal Massage
Formulated for Woman 12 weeks pregnant and up.
Performed in a side lying position with multiple pillows supports for comfort. Maternity massage is formulated to aid in relieving pressure on the joints/relaxing muscles while addressing common prenatal conditions such as sciatica & hip numbness, low back tensions and much more. The pressure is determined by assessment/client comfort. This treatment is formulated to avoid prenatal pressure points.
Child/ Youth Massage
Children aged 3 - 17 years
Relieves sore or tense muscles, as well as calming for the mind and body. Specific treatments plans may be formulated per client based off assessment. The pressure is determined by assessment/ client comfort.
Directly billable insurance companies for Massage Therapy
AB Blue Cross
Canada Life
Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Cowan Insurance Group
Desjardins Insurance
Empire life
First Canadian
GMS Carriers 49 and 50
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc.
Johnston Group
LiUna Local 183
LiUna Local 506
Manulife Financial
Maximum Benefit
SSQ Insurance
Standard Life
Sun Life Financial
TELUS AdjudiCare
The Great West Life Assurance Company
The Cooperators